Sustainable Clothing Industry
Common Objective (formerly the Ethical Fashion Forum) - a hub network to connect those working in the sustainable fashion industry. Site is geared toward industry professionals. Contains a comprehensive and accessible summary of sustainability issues within the clothing industry.
Fashion Revolution - Calling for transparency in the clothing industry, Fashion Revolution hosts annual events worldwide on April 27 (the anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse) and offers ways to take action and get involved, as an individual, retailer, brand, producer, or educator.
Fashion Takes Action - Toronto based nonprofit organization with a focus on education and awareness raising. Host the WEAR Conference (World Ethical Apparel Roundtable), and Design Forward, a presentation of sustainable fashion with an awards component.
Redress - A NGO based out of Hong-Kong working to reduce waste in the clothing industry. In addition to working directly with industry professionals, Redress raises awareness, and hosts the Redress Design Award.
Fashion for Good - Fashion for Good is a global hub committed to collaborative effort to adopt good fashion practice through "Good Materials, Good Economy, Good Energy, Good Water, and Good Lives." Fashion for Good runs an Accelerator Program for start-ups working towards sustainable solutions that can be scaled across the clothing industry, and offers a How-To guide for manufacturers who want to transition into sustainable practices.
Sustainable Apparel Coalition - Created the Higg Index, a standardized resource for to measure sustainability throughout the global supply chain.
Labour Rights
Clean Clothes Campaign - A global initiative to improve working conditions and empower workers in the clothing industry. Contains a thorough summary of the issues involved in unethical working conditions.
Fair Labor Association - The Fair Labor Association advocates for fair and safe working conditions by "offering tools and resources to companies, delivering training to factory workers and management, conducting due diligence through independent assessments, and advocating for greater accountability and transparency" from all involved in the global supply chain. Offers information and reports on key issues facing at-risk workers.
Fair Wear Foundation - Works with global stakeholders to improve conditions for workers in the clothing industry in 11 key production countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Environmental Protection
Greenpeace - Detox My Fashion Campaign - The Detox campaign targets the use of hazardous chemicals in the production of clothing. Offers information and reports on the hazardous chemicals used, and progress assessments of the global fashion brands that Greenpeace is working with to eliminate their use of these chemicals.
Rainforest Action Network - Out of Fashion Campaign - Directly campaigns global fashion brands to adopt policies that address the deforestation of rainforests to grow mono-crop tree plantations to create wood-pulp cellulose fabrics.
Think Tank
Centre for Sustainable Fashion - Based out of the University of Arts London, the Centre for Sustainable Fashion aims to use fashion to "drive change, build a sustainable future and improve the way we live." CSF participates in creative, collaborative initiatives to effect change within the clothing industry and inspire innovative solutions.
Social Enterprise
Ethical Fashion Initiative - An initiative run by the International Trade Centre, EFI connects artisans in emerging economy countries with high-end global fashion designers, as a means of creating employment, preserving craft knowledge, and reducing poverty through micro-entrepreneurship.
Agins, Terri. The End of Fashion: How Marketing Changed the Clothing Business Forever. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.: 1999.
Cline, Elizabeth L. Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion. New York: Penguin Books Ltd.: 2012.
Hengeveld, Rob. Wasted World: How Our Consumption Challenges the Planet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012.
Lavergne, Michael. Fixing Fashion: Rethinking the Way we Make, Market and Buy our Clothes. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers, 2015.
McDonough, William and Michael Braungart. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press, 2002.
Schor, Juliet B. Born to Buy. New York: Scribner, 2004.
Thomas, Dana. Deluxe: How Luxury Lost its Luster. New York: Penguin Books Ltd.: 2007.
The True Cost, 2015.
Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things, 2016.